Utah Tech University

Math Tutoring Center Application

Math tutors in all Math courses under the 3000 level. Tutors need to be proficient with basic mathematical concepts. Must have a B or higher in all math courses and no less than a 3.00 GPA. Tutors are expected to collaborate with peers, faculty, and staff, have ability to effectively communicate mathematical concepts. Tutors should have had or should be enrolled in Math 1210 or higher, Ability to tutor Math 1030 & 1040 a plus.
Mathematics/ Math Ed. Majors and other STEM majors are encouraged to apply.
tutors must be patient, resourceful, and ability to work well with others.
Pay rate is dependent on math courses previously taken.

UT Math Department eLab Application for Math Tutoring

Personal Information

Personal Information

Address *
Have you ever been employed by Utah Tech University? *

Are you currently employed by Utah Tech? *


Please list three references with contact information. At least one should be from a previous and/ or current Math instructor.

Reference List

Do we have permission to access student records to verify your academic eligibility? *

Course History

Fill in the charts as completely as possible. Please indicate the courses you have completed and will be
enrolled in for the semester you are applying to work. We have found that many tutors may not feel confident about tutoring
a course even though they have completed it. Be sure to place a “yes” for the courses you feel confident to tutor. If you are
not sure what topics are covered in a particular class, please check the Utah Tech course catalog.

Course History


Please fill in times you are available to work. Please note if hired you will be asked to provide a copy of your academic schedule.

Available Days *


In *
Out *


In *
Out *


In *
Out *


In *
Out *


In *
Out *


In *
Out *
Please read the following statement below, and sign and date to complete the application.

To the best of my knowledge, the information on my application is accurate and true. During the interview process and before you can be hired, you will have to complete a background check.”